Disloyalty/Dual Loyalty

Alleges Jews are loyal to "Jewish interests” and not their own country.

Wait, what?

Globally dispersed while maintaining cultural, linguistic, and religious ties, Jews have historically been seen as hostile elements in their host countries. This hostile element leeching from its host evokes scary images like a parasite or a mother-in-law.

The idea of disloyalty or dual loyalty is similar to other conspiracy theories about Jews.

Basically, antisemites think Jews are disloyal to their country and only loyal to "Jewish interests," or a secret international cabal of powerful Jews who want to destroy all countries and establish a New World Order. 

As we've said, this conspiracy theory has been around for well over a century, so if we wanted to establish a New World Order we're doing a pretty bad job at it.

Such sentiments have led to Jews being accused of (or charged with) treason, espionage, subversion, and the attempted destruction of their host nation. Among the most infamous cases of this was the “Dreyfus Affair,” where Alfred Dreyfus – a high ranking French military officer – was falsely accused and sentenced for treason. His crime? Hating baguettes. (Sorry. Dumb joke. Apologies to the French people reading this. We love your country.)

Today, it often takes the form of claims that Jews are more loyal to Israel than their host country. 

Almost every Jewish member of Congress has, at some point, been accused of dual citizenship with Israel and therefore dual loyalties. The presumption that all Jews have an undying allegiance to Israel is a prominent belief, but in reality there are many Jewish political beliefs and stances towards Israel and Zionism. In light of that, ‘dual loyalty’ isn’t the dog whistle itself – because it’s pretty explicit – but when people like a former (and maybe future) U.S. president calls Jews disloyal, this is what they’re invoking.

Not-Fun Fact: The idea of Jews being disloyal to their host country goes back thousands of years. The Torah contains perhaps the earliest account of this trope. In fact, it was this libel that launched the famous Exodus drama leading to the enslavement and subsequent liberation of Jews: “Behold, the Children of Israel have become too numerous among us,” declares Pharaoh, “and if there should befall Egypt any war, they will join with our enemies and rise up against us.” (Exodus 1:8-10) So I guess it's true, history doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme.

Not-Fun Fact: The Nazis used ‘disloyalty’ to turn Germans against their fellow Jewish citizens, alleging that Germany’s loss in WWI was due to the Jews’ betrayal of the war effort (and other countries did the same). Painting Jews as ‘treasonous’, whether allied to Israel or to a secret global order, is a time-tested method of relegating them to the margins of society, when in reality the only country we hate is FRANCE. (Kidding again. Sorry. Sorry. Trying to delete it.)


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